Net4Cities to host UFP / LDSA Webinar

As part of its core goals in the project, Net4Cities plans on installing over 20 new ultrafine particle (UFP) instruments and over 30 new lung-depositable surface area (LDSA) UFP instruments at measurement sites in the 11 partner cities. It is planned to use condensation particle counters (CPCs) developed by the consortium partner Airmodus and LDSA devices developed by Naneos particle solutions gmbh. 

On November 13th at 10:30 CET and November 19th at 14:30 CET, Net4Cities will host a public webinar via Zoom to provide information on these instruments. Representatives and technical experts from Airmodus and naneos will participate and provide detailed descriptions of the instruments and their functioning.

The event is open to all, with registration available at:

Target audience includes members of the Net4Cities consortium, stakeholders from the 11 partner cities, including representatives of local measurement networks, and other interested scientists, additional city stakeholders, and citizens. The Webinar will be hosted in English, but real-time captions will also be available. Efforts will be made for the captions to be translated into several languages thereafter.

If you are interested, please do register! We look forward to seeing you there.

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Net4Cities to host UFP / LDSA Webinar

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Net4Cities UFP and LDSA Webinar – recording available!

Screenshot of the webinar, from left to right: (top) – Erika von Schneidemesser (RIFS – project coordinator), Seán Schmitz (RIFS – co-coordinator, research associate), Saskia Drossaart van Dusseldorp (ZHAW – research associate), (bottom) – Aki Pajunoja (Head of Airmodus), Martin Fierz (Naneos – CEO and founder)